Disclaimer: Please use this guided meditation at your own risk and you won't hold us liable for anything by using the meditation or any content on this website. Meditation is a very old practice, a self-evaluating practice of your own psyche to shed the onion layers of your immediate waking consciousness to discovering your super consciousness. So based on where you are in your spiritual progression, your experiences will vary. And yes, it will take time... If it was easy, everyone would have been enlightened already walking with a glow around their heads :) A journey starts with a single step and here begins your journey.
The ideal time to do meditation is during the early hours of the morning anytime between 5 am to as late as 10 am and in the evenings, any time between 5 pm to 10 pm. The collective consciousness of the planet's mind chatter is less during the mornings as they are asleep or are just waking up and, in the evenings that chatter is winding down. Hence it will be easier for you to push past the earth's clutter chatter as I call it and lets you push past it. This is the ideal time, but you can meditate anytime you like, depending on your schedule as all meditations are good meditations as it is fine tuning your consciousness to vibrate at a much higher frequency. And that is the key to the higher planes as everything is energy and is vibrating at a certain frequency. By increasing your tonal/frequency, you will eventually meld with the highest God frequency.
When you sit to meditate find the place that calls out to you in your house. Make sure you are safe and you won't be disturbed. You can use a mat or a small rug to meditate and that place where you found is your place where will be meditating and imbuing the frequency and it will become easier for you to jump to a higher place each time you meditate at the same spot. You can also take the mat and rug with you when you cannot meditate in your spot or when you want to go meditate outside, as that rug is saturated with your frequency. Meditating in nature will recharge you, but please be extra safe and be careful of your surroundings.
Find a safe calm place to sit down and meditate. Meditating twice a day is ideal. Have no expectations so that you are not setting yourselves up for failure. Expectations are your brain dictating how your meditations should be and it will only tether you here. Step 1: Stretch and relax your body for about 5 minutes. This will help relax your body before you begin the meditation. Step 2: Put any music you like as we will use this music for meditations. It is good to mix up the music every time. Music is important as it will occupy the brain so that your mind can slip out. The brain ties you to this plane and it is like the governor in your car, not allowing you to accelerate further pulling you down. Step 3: Sit down in a chair if you can't sit on the floor. Make sure your feet does not cross each other as it disrupts the flow of energy. You can sit in a half lotus or a full lotus if you can. Step 4: Close your eyes. Step 5: Take a deep breath and breathe out slowly. Do this total of three times or more until you feel like you are ready to move on to the next step. Step 6: Lets clear your mind of all the negative stuff. Think and visualize anything that is bothering you. Take a deep breath and blow it out of your mouth.. feeling it go out of your system. You will feel lighter as you do this. Step 7: Focus on your body, focus on the individual body parts.. your toes, your feet, ankles, legs, thighs, your buttocks resting on the chair, feel the weight of your body, your stomach, your chest, your shoulders your arms, you head, your face and the facial muscles that holding everything in its place.. Focus on the inner skeletal structure holding the body together, know that it is not you. You are a spiritual being living in that body, a mechanism helping you function here on earth. Take a deep breath and surrender to the universe, God/force whoever you see God as. Step 8: Now visualize prana all around you. See it as a blue/white/gold energy sparkling all over. Now breathe this prana in, with your intent. Focus on the tip of your nose as you breathe the Prana in, let it fill your vessel. Imagine yourself glowing and growing with white silverish light as you breathe the Prana In. Do this three times. Step 9: Keeping your eyes closed, now focus on your Chi Chakra. You can touch it with your fingers initially to help you locate the chi chakra. Now Breathe prana in and focus on the touch. Breathe in slowly and out while focusing on the Chi Chakra for about 5 minutes. After a while, you don't have to use the fingers to locate the chi charka your mind will already know where it is. Step 10: Now move your focus to your Heart Chakra. Visualize Prana and breathe that prana in slowly as you focus on the heart chakra. Imagine all the cells in your body being happy as it is engulfed in white healing light. Smile! Let the healing white light of prana cleanse your body of all negativities. Focus on the heart Charka for 5 minutes. Step 11: Now focus on the mind charka. Breathe Prana in and focus on the mind chakra as you breathe it in. Visualize the prana filling your mind chakra and activating your third eye. Feel the outside world using your mind chakra as you breathe it in, while feeling your inner-verse. Push though the limits of your skull as it is only a very thin wall to break through. You are traveling at the speed of light as you breathe that prana in. Time and dimensions will be at your disposal. Focus on the mind Charka for 5 minutes. Step 12: After you are done with the meditation, bow down to the universe with humbleness and humility releasing everything to the universe, thanking it. You have become better than what you were.
Note: More than likely your monkey mind will go off bringing in thoughts and distractions, when that happens, acknowledge it and go back to focusing on the touch/chakras. That mind chatter is the frequency of this dimension locking you down. If any experiences happen during your meditation, be the observer and do not use your biological brain to analyze it then as you will lose that dimensional experience by involving your brain. You will have all the time later to analyze it after the meditation is over. Do the meditations at least twice a day and you can increase the amount of time you spent on each Charkas as you feel like. Your day-to-day affairs will lower your vibrations and meditating will help bring it back up!
Bonus tip! The language of feels like. When you meditate you have to be in non-thought. Non-thought doesn't mean there is no thinking, but there is an awareness, you just don't think with your organic brain as when you have words floating in your brain, it engages your physical being. Words are of this dimension and when you engage in verbal thoughts, you are vibrating at earth's vibration. It is an anchor holding you down.
What is this language of feels like? Everything has a feels like, i.e.. a feeling or a vibration. You can feel it in your chest center, which is an intelligence center. Take a pen or any object and hold it in your hands. Do you have to tell in your mind that it is a pen that you are looking at? Look at it, there is a feels like in it. You already know it is a pen without telling it is a pen in your mind. Look at any object or people around you, everything and everyone has a feels like. To exercise this feels like and to be in thought look at any thing and try not to say the name in your mind. You already know what it is, its frequency! That is an energy signature. Now you are thinking faster than light, without cumbersome words slowing you down. Practice non though by not naming items in your head and be in non thought in your meditations!
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